About Me

I have been blessed to be a lifelong Catholic, but in my early 20s I found myself growing complacent in my faith while I pursued my educational and career goals. I found myself being “successful” in the eyes of the world; I had most of the things I wanted and was on track for achieving all my goals. So why wasn’t I happy?
After much soul searching, I realized that I had ignored my most important relationship – my relationship with God. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been to Sunday Mass other than Easter and Christmas. I returned to the Sacraments, starting with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The priest was so gentle and forgiving and I felt such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders that I wondered why I had put off the Sacrament for so long. I started attending Mass regularly and joined a Rosary prayer group.
I wasn’t really interested in the Rosary at first, but Bob and MaryLou Abler were like grandparents. They welcomed me into their home with kindness and warmth. I felt such love and acceptance from them that I found myself returning every week. While my grandmother taught me my prayers, this couple taught me how to really pray. I found that in entering into deep meditation of the Rosary, the Gospels really came alive to me and spoke to me in a way I had never experienced. I was able to draw closer to Our Lord than ever before.
I know that many people are in the same boat I was in – rowing in circles. The current conditions we are experiencing with the coronavirus are unprecedented and even faithful Christians can grow weary and discouraged. This is why I started this blog: to build up our Christian community, to bring you encouragement, to help you deepen your prayer life, and to help you open your heart to the peace, love, and joy that Jesus offers.